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1 testimonies found related to Natalia Baldore - Testimonio
Created by Cristian
On Feb-25-2011
Conversion testimony
Natalia Baldore - Testimonio

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Henry Youngblood had a serious alcohol problem and had every intention of suicide, until he heard someone say "God Loves You" on tv....
She had questions that couldn't be answered after she was sexually assaulted. However, Wendy found comfort for such a difficult situation in the most unlikely place. ...
She was married to a wonderful Christian man and had a new life, but Luana's past haunted the dreams of her future family....
Created by Cristian
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Victoria lost all she held dear when she began her eight year addiction to crack cocaine. One night while dreaming, she believes she heard a clear warning that she was headed for hell. She sought God and eventually found freedom from crack addiction....
After growing up under the harsh brand of Islam practiced by her father, Hephzibah was hesitant to share her conversion to Christianity with him....
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Robia LaMorte had entered her dream life -- performing in music videos and landing acting roles in Hollywood dancing in music videos, for Prince and with rolls on shows like 90210. Money was flowing, but her heart searched for something deeper. See h...




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